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  1. How do I make a donation?

    Visit our Donation Page and select the type of donation you wish to make.

  2. How do I make a re-curring donation?

    Visit our Donation Page. Complete the donation form and select the frequency you would like your donation made.

  3. How do I make a donation as a gift in honor/memory?

    Visit our Donation Page. Complete the donation form and you will have the option to send an e-card or download the printable Gift Cards available.

  4. How do I make a stock donation?

    Visit our Stock Donation page and follow the instructions.

  5. What kind of material or in-kind donations do you accept?

    At this time, we do not accept material goods. There is no postal system in the regions we serve. Transport of material donations - after packing, taxes, customs, shipping by jeep, donkey and porter - is very expensive and counterproductive to our limited overhead and low operational costs. We choose instead to support and thereby stimulate the local economy by purchasing the necessary school and building supplies within the region. Your monetary contribution will have greater impact.

  6. Can I donate to CAI in a currency other than U.S. dollars?

    You can donate to CAI in a currency other than U.S. dollars by making on online credit card contribution. The credit card company will automatically convert your gift to U.S. dollars. You may also send us a check in other currencies, however, our bank charges significant fees to convert your gift to U.S. dollars. PLEASE NOTE: CAI is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization and we are only registered in the U.S. A donation made outside the U.S. is NOT tax deductible.

  7. I need a copy of your Tax Exemption Status / 501(c)3 Letter. How can I get that?

    You may download the Tax Exempt Status Letter. It is also located under our Financials Page.

  8. What is your EIN / Tax ID Number?


  9. How can I sponsor a specific student?

    It is our policy that we do not allow for sponsorships of specific students. You may choose to donate to our Scholarship Fund that will specifically fund student's education scholarships.

  10. How can I sponsor a specific teacher?

    It is our policy that we do not allow for sponsorships of specific teachers. You may choose to donate to our Teacher's Salaries Fund that will specifically fund teacher's salaries.

  11. How can I sponsor or build a school?

    It is our policy that we do not allow for sponsorships or partnerships with our schools or projects. With our small staff, we need to keep them focused on our mission of providing education and literacy programs. You may choose to donate to our School Building fund that will specifically fund school building projects.

  12. I would like to volunteer, what's the next step?

    1. Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not accept volunteers. Please refer to our Volunteer Page for a detailed explanation.

  13. I want to get involved, what are other ways I can support CAI's work?

    Please refer to our Fundraising Page.

  14. How do I initiate a "Pennies for Peace" drive?

    Please refer to our website

  15. Does CAI actively participate with Charity Rating, "watchdog", Organizations?

    Each charity rating or "watchdog" organization that requests CAI's information has its own analysis, guidelines, and application process. Watchdog organizations' reviews of nonprofit organizations also vary widely in both purpose and scope. To respond to all of them would be counterproductive, time consuming, and not cost effective. Our policy is to provide such reports and information to the pertinent local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. These entities include the Internal Revenue Service and those state agencies with which we register to engage in requests for contributions and other support. Please visit our Financials Page which includes significant information about our financial activities.

  16. How can my students have correspondence with the students in your schools?

    It is so thoughtful that you want to communicate your support and are interested in establishing correspondence with other children in our schools. As you might imagine we have a very small staff in the US and abroad, and it is very difficult for us to facilitate correspondence between our schools and American schools. Our schools are so vastly remote that we must keep our small staff focused on our projects and education initiatives.

  17. Can I visit CAI-supported projects in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Tajikistan?

    Due to the nature of the communities with which we partner, the remote locations of the projects, and volatile conditions where we work, CAI cannot take the responsibility for other foreigners. Should you consider traveling to Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Tajikistan on your own as a tourist, please refer to Travel Warnings issued by the US State Department.

  18. We have like-minded organizations, can we 'partner' up with projects?

    We are inspired by the actions of many to bring about real change and hope for Pakistanis and Afghans and encourage like-minded groups to continue with their efforts. Central Asia Institute's philosophy is to develop projects that are community based and locally initiated through consensus. It has taken years to develop relationships and build trust with the people in the regions we serve, the arrival of other foreigners could damage these hard won relationships. CAI will not take risks that could affect the success of any overseas projects.

  19. How do I start my own non-profit?

    We applaud and support the goal of others in their efforts to make the world a better place. You are encouraged to perform your own research and seek legal advice as you proceed. Two suggested readings are: "Starting & Managing a Nonprofit Organization: A Legal Guide" by Bruce Hopkins and "The Power & Limits of NGO's" by Sarah Elizabeth Mendelson.

  20. Can you give me guidance on some Fundraising strategies?

    We applaud and support the goal of others in their efforts to make the world a better place. A suggested website is A suggested reading is the book "Securing Your Organization’s Future: A Complete Guide to Fundraising Strategies" by Michael Seltzer.

  21. What curriculum do you teach in your schools?

    School is generally in session for 240 to 260 days a year, with students in class five to six days a week. Every CAI school complies with that country's curriculum guidelines. Classes include math, English, Pakistan studies-history, Urdu, Islamic studies, and science. CAI added hygiene and nutrition and developed a workbook that covers local culture, tradition, and folklore.

  22. What are some common recipes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan?

  23. Do you have any career opportunities available?

    Visit our Careers page for open positions.